So you want to be an engineering manager?

After a few years as a software engineer, I was contemplating what direction to take my career in. In my mind, there were two options - manager or technical architect. I know architect is a vague term, but for me it represented the pinnacle of technical growth, someone that designs…

System Design Interview 101

If you have interviewed for a software engineering role, even graduate roles, you're very likely to come across system design interviews. Though not as infamous as the algorithms & data structures interview, it's nonetheless just as difficult, if not more so. What's more, it's usually more important, as it often determines…

Improving coding interviews

I see this question all the time show up in one way or another - Why do we need coding interviews? Just to clarify, when I'm speaking about coding interviews, I'm specifically referring to an algorithms & data structures type of interview. I'm sure most of you know this famous tweet…

The path to becoming a Senior Engineer

A natural step in the career of every software engineer is the transition to a senior role. Easier said than done, I see this step posing a challenge to a lot of engineers - that's why I want to write about what is expected from senior engineers and practical tips…